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Atlantis Pyramids Floods: Did Noah’s Flood Destroy Atlantis and Damage the Pyramids?

Atlantis Pyramids Floods: Did Noah’s Flood Destroy Atlantis and Damage the Pyramids?


Dennis Brooks

Author Bio

Dennis Brooks has spent over 20 years researching Atlantis. In 1995 he found that the Florida Plain matched the description Plato gave as the Plain of Atlantis. Since then, he has been looking for other ways to connect Atlantis to the Americas and Egypt. In 2012 he published a book called Atlantis, Ten Tribes of the Americas.

Since then Mr. Brooks has added new discoveries, ancient stories, and new terrain features to retell the story. He believes that with enough interest in the subject, credibility may return to Atlantis as a topic of research. He used this book to explain the features of Atlantis in a way that will allow you to explore and reference the information online. That makes this an interactive eBook.


People have been searching for Atlantis ever since Plato plublished the story back in 359 BCE. They have been looking for evidence of the Great Flood ever since the story was published in the Bible. Now physical evidence confirms that floodwaters damaged the Great Pyramid and other structures on the Giza Plateau. Khafre, the tallest pyramid was damaged by the flood except its top. A cap was left on the top of this pyramid that now acts as the high-water mark for Noah’s Great Flood. The evidence show that this flood was caused by the same cataclysm that destroyed Atlantis.

According to Robert Ballard, a well known archeologist, he has found proof of the flood in the Black Sea in Turkey. ABC News: “Four hundred feet below the surface, they unearthed an ancient shoreline, proof to Ballard that a catastrophic event did happen in the Black Sea.” ‘By carbon dating shells found along the shoreline, Ballard said he believes they have established a timeline for that catastrophic event,’… Find Ballard’s reference online.

According to researcher Martin Gray, archeologists have found silt fourteen feet deep around the pyramids. As water from the Ocean flooded the Mediterranean Sea, it overran the Basin, submerged the pyramids, and ran out into the desert. When the water went back to the sea, it took tons of debris from the desert and deposited it along the way. This water from the ocean left behind its unique signature, which is traceable by science. The silt contains many seashells and fossils that have been radiocarbon-dated to be 11,600 years old. This evidence alone can be used to date the flood, the three main pyramids, and the Sphinx.

Also, when the Great Pyramid was first opened, incrustations of salt one inch thick were found inside it. Chemical analysis has shown that the salt has a mineral content consistent with sea salt. This is further proof that the pyramids were submerged by flood waters that came from the Atlantic Ocean. You can find Martin Gray’s Reference online.

When it comes to the Great Flood, there is too much physical evidence to simply dismiss the story as a myth. Since myths are usually based on truth, Brooks’ new book will allow you to investigate the story behind the myth. According to both Plato and Ignatius Donnelly, Egypt was an Atlantis colony.

If the pyramids were in place during the flood, they would have sustained flood damage. If they were damaged by the floodwaters, we would be able to see the damage. Even today we can see the destruction clearly on the Great Sphinx and the three larger pyramids: Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure. The ground in the area is still littered with debris knocked loose by floating objects. Khufu and Menkaure were completely submerged by the flood waters. That makes it possible that Noah’s Great Flood was caused by the same cataclysm that destroyed Atlantis? See the images online.
Dennis Brooks is the author of the book, “Atlantis Pyramids Floods” – Did Noah’s Flood Destroy Atlantis and Damage the Pyramids? Brooks has spent over 20 years conducting research on Atlantis and the Great Flood.

Book excerpt


According to sources as diverse as Plato and historian Ignatius Donnelly, Egypt was Atlantis’ oldest colony. Besides Donnelly’s research and Plato’s story about Atlantis, there is now physical evidence to support their claims. In addition, several other researchers and references tie Atlantis to Egypt and the Great Flood. When we put these and many other scattered references together alongside the information provided by the storytellers, an image begins to take shape and the bigger picture comes into view.

In analyzing the sources and evidence available to us, it seems that Noah’s Great Flood was caused by the same cataclysm that destroyed Atlantis. Since myths are usually based on truth, this new information will allow us to investigate the story behind the myth; and when it comes to the Great Flood’s link to Atlantis, there is simply too much physical evidence in support of Atlantis and the Flood to dismiss either story as a myth.

If Egypt were Atlantis’ oldest colony, as Plato and Donnelly stated, the Egyptian Pyramids may have been in place since before Atlantis was destroyed. It stands to reason then, that if the pyramids were already in place before the destruction of Atlantis, they would have been on the Giza Plateau when Atlantis was destroyed. If the pyramids were in place during the flood, they would have sustained flood damage, and we would be able to see evidence of that damage. If these observations are correct, then several of the structures on the Giza Plateau were damaged by flood waters.

We can see the destruction clearly on the Great Sphinx and the three nearby larger pyramids: Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure. The ground in the area is still littered with debris knocked loose from the pyramids by floating objects. Khufu and Menkaure were completely submerged by the flood. However, the top of Khafre, the tallest pyramid, was not destroyed during the flood. This left a cap on the Great Pyramid that now acts as the high-water mark for Noah’s Flood. The images can be seen online.

The Great Pyramids:

Robert Ballard, one of the world’s best-known underwater archaeologists, has found evidence of the flood in the Black Sea off the coast of Turkey, quoted below:

“Evidence Noah’s Biblical Flood Happened, Says Robert Ballard”

‘By carbon dating shells found along the shoreline, Ballard said he believes they have established a timeline for that catastrophic event,’…

According to the above article, the Black Sea was landlocked before the Great Flood happened. Sea level in the area was much lower than it was in the Mediterranean Sea. During the flood, water escaped and flowed from the Mediterranean Basin, filling the basin of the Black Sea.

Note: Plato told of multiple floods in the area occurring before the greatest flood of all. If that is true, then we should be able to see damage caused by more than one flood. Take another closer look at the Great Sphinx. You can see that it has a high water mark at its chin showing damage from what might have been another flood.
The Great Sphinx:!/items/JwmwoXtYOBY-ReP8TwkrFsw

Next, take a look at this excerpt from Plato in which a priest in Egypt is speaking to Solon, a famous Athenian lawmaker.

The priest: In the first place you remember a single deluge only, but there were many previous ones; in the next place, you do not know that there formerly dwelt in your land the fairest and noblest race of men which ever lived, and that you and your whole city are descended from a small seed or remnant of them which survived.

And this was unknown to you, because, for many generations, the survivors of that destruction died, leaving no written word. For there was a time, Solon, before the great deluge of all, when the city which now is Athens was first in war and in every way the best governed of all cities,”

Plato’s complete story of Atlantis is included as a reference later on in the text.

Questions to be answered: How long did the flooding last? What areas were flooded? Where was Atlantis located? Where did the flood waters come from? What caused the flooding? How was Atlantis destroyed?

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