Self-published and Small Press Books

The Change You Want! Change Your Mindset, and Change Your Life

The Change You Want! Change Your Mindset, and Change Your Life

The Change You Want! Change Your Mindset, and Change Your LifeAuthor

Yvonne Ruke Akpoveta

Author Bio

Yvonne is passionate about positive change. She works with individuals, entrepreneurs and organisations to help them implement change, drive results and achieve their goals. She enjoys working with them to identify solutions and determine the right course of actions that takes them from good to great.

She is an inspirational speaker, change management consultant, and certified John C. Maxwell coach & teacher on leadership principles.

The invaluable experience she has gained from working with a diverse group of clients globally, as well as her formal education in coaching, entrepreneurship and organisational change management equips her with the knowledge and tools to help her consistently drive desired results required by the individuals and organisations she works with.

She holds a BSc Honours in Business Information Technology & Marketing, and an MBA with Warwick Business School, England. Her international experience-Europe, Africa and North America-has afforded her exposure to diverse environments and a proficiency in thinking outside the box.

She has received several awards in the past; including ‘Young Entrepreneur’ of the Year from the ‘European Federation of Black Women Business Owners’ and Shell Livewire Business Prize Award for new business development, but her greatest reward is helping others achieve the success they want.


The Change You Want! Change Your MINDSET, and Change Your Life: Simple Steps you can take immediately to create successful outcomes in your life, business or career.

Your mindset determines your attitude * Your attitude determines your choices * Your choices determine your life!

This book provides you with simple but powerful steps you can take each day to start shaping your mindset and experiencing the success and fulfillment you desire!

Our thoughts, beliefs and experiences are the building blocks that shape our mindset, and in turn determine our desired outcomes. Start to positively shape your mindset and you will take the outcomes in your life from good to great – whether in your personal life and relationships or your career or business!

Book excerpt

My conscious mind teaches me the steps and process of riding a bicycle. Once I am fully competent in riding a bicycle, my subconscious mind automatically enacts the steps required to ride a bicycle without my making any conscious mental effort or having to think through the process. Despite not riding a bicycle for 20 years, my unconscious mind immediately knows what to do when presented with a bicycle.

How Our Mindset Is Formed:

Our inherent beliefs, thoughts and behaviours as a result of many influences come together to form our mindset. Some of these influences include:

– Family and upbringing
– Environment
– Informal and formal education
– Positive and negative experiences
– Consistent self-talk

Our mindset influences our daily thoughts, how we perceive situations, the actions we take and the results we experience.

Why Our Mindset Is The Key To Success:

Have you found yourself reading many ‘how-to’ books and articles and following ‘tried and true’ systems that seem to work for others but not for you? Or perhaps you have experienced some success with a system or process you are following but you find yourself unable to stay the course or maintain results? This could be simply because you are yet to tackle the root cause and foundation of the matter: your mindset. 
Our mindset has the ability to sabotage us by creating self-limiting beliefs that can stop us from taking the first step to pursue our dreams, desires or goals; and in some instances, when we start pursuing a specific goal, it can stop us from persevering and reaching our highest potential.

Research in the public domain has found that the conscious mind is responsible for between 1 and 10 percent of our actions, and that the unconscious/subconscious mind is responsible for 90 to 99 percent of our actions. Wow! That is significant!

What we think is what we attract, and this is often referred to as the Law of Attraction. If we constantly think, see and say the negative, then that is consistently what we will attract. Even when we are faced with opportunities that others might immediately jump on and experience significant results, all we see is the negative – why it will not work, why we are not the one to do it, etc. – because that is what our unconscious mind is feeding us.

Once we understand the power of mindset and begin to learn and practice how to take better control of our mind, we will then have the ability to harness the power of mindset to achieve the successes we desire.

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