Self-published and Small Press Books

Lunchtime Joy Magnet: 30 Lunches to More Joy and Positivity

Lunchtime Joy Magnet: 30 Lunches to More Joy and Positivity

Lunchtime JoyAuthor

Sandra M Bell

Author Bio

Sandra M Bell is an author, speaker, and master encourager. She is the founder and publisher of a popular e-magazine entitled Trekkin’ The Life Authentic at Her mission there is to help individuals realize their strengths and worth and to provide the social and emotional intelligence tools for powerful personal transformation. Bell speaks and writes on authenticity, mindfulness, and contemplative practices for well-being that help individuals to make transformative shifts toward their luminous authentic core.

Bell’s motto is “Don’t let the past define you, just keep daring to bake up a better future.” Her greatest passion is in helping others find and align with their authentic self so that they can stride confidently toward their life purpose and emotional freedom.

Bell’s first business was a matchmaking service for busy professionals which she sold to a national company out of Chicago. She has spoken around the country on the subject of dating and relationships and was tapped as a Southwestern Bell spokesman on dating and technology. She has been featured on the cover of Dallas Woman and in publications such as Cosmopolitan Magazine, the Dallas Morning News and on shows such as “Good Morning Texas”, “Good Day Dallas” and “Good Morning America.” Bell also owns a PR firm that is more than 15 years old.


More joy and positivity come with simple habits, small modifications in consciousness. Are you ready? Well, clear your lunch schedule!

What would it feel like to regain the positivity and joy of your childhood? What if you could spend your lunch hour moving toward that kind of freedom and

joie de vivre? Lunchtime Joy Magnet brings fresh, affirmative answers to both of those questions. There are easy and fun ways to make your life enchanting again, and you can start with just one hour a day. Many times lunchtime is a lot of the same old same old anyway, right? It doesn’t have to be.

You want to step out of your box. You want personal transformation that is bold, authentic and lasting. Whether this is your first look into grooming your mind for positivity or you have been a lifelong seeker and practitioner of researchers’ leading edge methods, this book will transform your mind and life by giving you new ways to perceive and interpret your daily realities. As these leading methods are incorporated into your life, old entrenched negative neural pathways will be pruned away and an upbeat confidence will emerge.

You are loving, joyful, timeless, and brilliant at your authentic core. Lunchtime Joy Magnet guides you effortlessly toward your authentic self and a life of peace and well-being. The simple activities within this book can be used to immediately uplift your mood, or with habitual use of the underlying techniques, for raising your baseline of happiness. In moments in which you reside in alignment with your dazzling authentic core, you are a magnet for joy, and others feel the gravitational pull toward your lightness of spirit.

Author, Sandra M Bell, writes and speaks frequently on authenticity, happiness and ways to live a stress-free, empowered life. She publishes a popular e-magazine, Trekkin’ The Life Authentic at, where she focuses on the habits of brilliantly authentic people and ideas for transformation and a better life experience. Bell guides readers to the elements of self that are not mired in ego, but instead are aligned with the divine and timeless aspects of self.

Book excerpt


“Everything starts as somebody’s daydream,” said Larry Niven, author of more than 50 books and five-time winner of the Hugo Award and numerous other awards. Daydreaming is one of the greatest ways to get in touch with your authentic passions, curiosities and even life purpose.

In an interview, Steve Jobs talked about how when you grow up, you are taught that life is a certain way and it is just your job to live in it.

“But, that’s a very limited life. Life can be much broader, once you discover one simple fact,” he said. “And that is, everything you see around you that you call life was made up by people that are no smarter than you. And you can change it. You can influence it.”

He went on to speak of how knowing that you can change and shape life is one of the most important things to innately understand. And, certainly it is an enormously empowering belief. This lunch exercise is about shaping ideas and beliefs about your future.

Scientists have known for quite a while now that the mind cannot tell the difference from reality and something vividly imagined. In fact they have done experiments in which people who just thought about particular sets of exercises were tested to find measurable results in the mentally exercised body parts.

Famous gymnasts, track stars, and athletes of all types have known, practiced and sang the praises of mental rehearsals for ages.

So, spend some time over your next lunchtime burrito daydreaming away – about vacations, lifestyle, the love relationships in which you’d like to be involved. How would they would be? What would they feel like? Think in this way about all the things you’d love to see transpire in your life.

If you know your life’s purpose, your dharma, this time can be spent imagining the progression and the full manifestation of how you can serve on this planet in your own one-of-a-kind way. If you are still searching for your life’s purpose, daydream sessions are a great way to get in touch with your true curiosities, the magnetic pull of your unique soul signature. In seeking joy, there is no better way to flow with it throughout your life than to align and live with purpose, serving others with your authentic talents, ideas, and contributions.

However, there is a reason that you want to task your imagination with connecting with your passions and the things you naturally love. If you sat down and focused on logically figuring out your life’s purpose, your left brain would kick in. The left brain is the logical side of your noodle, the critic. It has a tendency to offer up all the reasons why things won’t work and can put a kibosh on even the most doable dreams. If you task your imagination with taking a flight of fancy, your creative right side of the brain kicks in. The shackles of logic are thrown aside and you are given pure freedom to explore your true self and longings.

So, take all the pressures and expectations of society and current realities off the table and boogie through your fantasies — no need to be bashful or conservative. It’s your mind; no one can peep! Be bold. Step out there my wild friend, and go outside of what you’ve known. Explore what you’d like to know – what you’d love to experience. Cherish every detail. Have fun and make it real and vivid in your mind (this is key).

And if you really want to make that dream a reality, start to sketch it out. We remember things 65 percent better when they are in a picture. So draw your current reality on one side of the paper and your dream on the other side. On the dream side of the sheet, color it in and feel the emotion, bliss and freedom of being there. Include symbols of your victories. When you draw and dream your brain produces serotonin and oxytocin, so you feel empowered and happy. As you feel this new reality just task your brain with how to get there. It knows you and your surrounding opportunities like no other.

There’s story after story all throughout history that proves that ridiculously successful people were first good at daydreaming – or envisioning.

“I always wanted to know, and I always used to daydream, about what it would be like to stand on a really big stage and sing songs for a lot of people, songs that I had written,” said Taylor Swift. “Daydreaming was kind of my number one thing when I was little, because I didn’t have much of a social life going on.”

With or without food, use lunchtime for daydreaming big delicious fantasies with cherries on top.

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