Self-published and Small Press Books

Sideways: A Treatise on the Corruption of a Constitutional Government


MP Murphy

Author Bio

M.P. Murphy was born in Cleveland, Ohio and studied Southern History at Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida. While finishing his graduate studies, he lived in Charleston, SC and became a proud member of the South Carolina Historical Society and the Preservation Society of Charleston. After ten years in the South, he now resides in Cleveland with his wife.


An examination on the perversion of representative government, MP Murphy’s essay has been claimed Common Sense for a new age. Based on the study of the constitutional system in America, the work evaluates the ease with which government is corrupted and how the need for constant reform is the only way to secure the liberties of a people. Taxation, campaign finance, and the two-party system are at the forefront of this cry for improvement, while the writing is backed by the founding principles of the American Revolution. Part political study and part sermon, A Treatise on the Corruption of a Constitutional Government, is a must-read for everyone concerned with politics, personal freedom, or the future of America.

– An enlightening read before this, or any other, election.

Book excerpt

We are now at a stage that policy and principle no longer play a significant role in the election process. The personal backbiting and indecent squabbles that candidates resort to are dishonorable to the voters and are injurious to the value placed on all future elections. Politicians born in the last century, a set of juvenile thinkers unable to see the final outcome of the picture they paint, men who go no farther with any principle than as to suit the purpose of party and self, have become so engrossed in their own self that they are no better than Narcissus gazing into a pool of water. How trifling, how ridiculous, and in reflection, how appalling do the quarrels of a few weak and self-interested men seem weighted against the securities and needs of the whole country.

Two necessary changes must be made to disengage the vicious cycle of party warfare that currently threatens the integrity of the election process and those we chose as representatives. Common sense will dictate the wisdom of having elections often and term limits installed for all those elected. With such policy, the elected will be forced to return and socialize one again with the community that nominated them. Knowing that they will be required to go back to face their electors, candidates will maintain fidelity to their community and be less tempted to build a station for themselves. The interchange, happening on a frequent basis, will promote common interest with all parts of the community, and they will naturally support each other, the elected and the electors, and create stability in the representative system.

Factions that get possession of public offices become corrupted by bribery, personal interests, and by the general benefits of those willing to compensate public officials for an ear. With extraordinary power comes extraordinary pay often in the form of campaign contributions. In 2016, the cost of a winning seat in the US Senate will reach nearly $30 million, with over $40 million being raised by the winning side. These large sums leave candidates in debt to their contributors, which leaves those who do not contribute on the sidelines of forming public policy. When such large amounts of money are allotted to an individual position in government, it becomes the center which around every kind of corruption can generate and form. It further, allows the two parties, battling for power, to view the government as a profitable monopoly and the people as property of the business. To disrupt the increasing expense of running for office and the obligation of that cost, it is necessary to limit the amount associated with running for office. The current state of the election process would negate the possibility of candidates without the backing of large bankrolls from running for office, and those candidates with such resources from being exposed for corruption. A necessary step in saving the validity of the elections and the purity of the representative government would be campaign finance reform.


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