Self-published and Small Press Books

Women 101- A Men’s Must-Have Guide to a Successful Dating Life

Women 101- A Men’s Must-Have Guide to a Successful Dating Life


Joshua Malekos

Author Bio

Joshua Malekos is an 18 year old. He has enjoyed writing in his free-time for as long as he can remember. He hopes one day to touch millions with his writing, however for now, he’s good with one or two people.


Women are complex. Perhaps the most complicated things in the universe. And because of this, men can never seem to understand women, or how to be successful in a relationship with them. Well this book, along with some practice, will help you with winning over a girl, understanding her, and keeping her. If you are a man, looking for some way to have success in your dating life, this book is for you!

Book excerpt

For years there has been an unspoken relationship between men and women. Men are required to chase the women, to make them feel good. They have to woo her and keep her interested enough, or they lose her. It’s been this way since, I don’t know cavemen. If my cave isn’t as big as his cave she’ll leave me. The dating world is a competitive world my friends, Women have a natural instinct to go for somebody who can take care of them.

I don’t know why you got this book, perhaps you have had a lot of experience with women being always disinterested with you, maybe you are a high school guy who’s just trying to get a girl to like him back, or maybe you are married, but have lost that feeling of chasing your wife. Whatever your reason for getting this book, my promise to you is this: You will have all the knowledge and tools you need to sweep the girl of your dreams right off of her feet. And what man doesn’t want to do that. This book covers everything you need to know about the chase, dating, and keeping a girl interested in you for as long as you would like (however long that may be). If you do these things, you will have a lot more success with getting the girl. So what are you waiting for READ ON!


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