Beyond Time by Silviu Crăciunaș


Beyond Time

by Silviu Crăciunaș


Dincolo de timp

când ne-am întâlnit
am sădit o lumânare
a răsărit repede
mirosind a iubire
şi arzând patimi
am lăsat-o aprinsă
ca să ne încălzim visele
o pată de ceară
stă lipită de inimile noastre
învechite de vreme
doar fumul
prizonier al iubirii
închipuindu-şi că
lumânările ard etern
până dincolo de timp


Beyond Time

when we met
we seeded a candle
it sprouted fast
smelling of love
and burning passions
we left it alight
to warm up our dreams
a spot of wax
remains glued to our hearts
which have been worn-out by time
only the smoke
a prisoner of love
is still dancing
believing that
candles burn forever
beyond time

Translated from Romanian by Anamaria Tamas


Silviu Crăciunaș is a professor at the “Lucian Blaga” University from Sibiu, Romania, doctor in Mathematics. A while ago, he returned to a somewhat older passion, literature. He started writing poetry and prose, texts published in cultural magazines (Oglinda literară, Rapsodia, Alternațe). His poetry reflects profound emotional states of man in connection with nature and life. In 2015, his novel În umbra destinului (“In the Shadow of Destiny”) was published by the Excelsior Art Publishing House. The characters of the published novel are certain beings, who, although they are not part of the great book of history, have been in the midst of certain tragic events that, in their turn, drew attention on the nefarious nature of the military culture’s propagation and on the consequences of war. Two young women are collateral victims in the conflicts which took place almost simultaneously in April 1999, at the Columbine High School from Denver, Colorado and in Surdulica, Serbia. You will find in this novel real facts and characters intersecting with the virtual world of the author’s thoughts in a unified whole which gravitates around a violin. The second novel, in course of publication at the Eikon Publishing House, entitled Lazaret-suflete ratacite (“Lazaret – Wandering Souls”), has as main character a young doctor in training at the psychiatric hospital from Lazaret who, while treating a young lady, lives the experience of a split of his own personality by going back in time into the conscience of an Austrian soldier who was wounded in the battles with the Turks in 1493, around these places.