Chasm, What Chasm? by Andrew Kuo


Chasm, What Chasm?

by Andrew Kuo

beyond time and space
forget Byron, Wordsworth.

No, I’ll measure the gap
the distance: 2854 miles
the time: 18 years

tell you that
“What happened?”
was trapped and

released into the
oceanic void
titanic nothing:

Time is meaningless
gilded places
only markers

for the ebb and flow
of our affections.

Andrew Kuo works at a library in Northern California. He is a graduate of Sarah Lawrence College.

In his words: I work in a community college library in Northern California. I love my job! It’s more than a day job: Students are great and so are staff, and my work is rewarding. At night, and during summer and winter breaks, I write as much as I can. I’m following my college path at Sarah Lawrence College to continue writing. Previously, I’ve been published in two online literary magazines. My poems deal with a variety of subjects, including family, work, memory, time, death and love–some of the parts and pieces that knit together what we consider reality.

Tercets can be my best friends, but I also enjoy writing pantoums.