Damascus in Syria before the war by Sofia Kioroglou

Damascus in Syria before the war

by Sofia Kioroglou

I love spring
Whenever I look out the window
I see a riot of color.

Flowers of all forms and sizes
Blossoming in my garden
after being shrinking violets.

But Nigella damascena
is my favorite reminding me
of Damascus in Syria before the war

Reminding me that the Chaghoura,
the beautiful gazelle will protect me
from snipers, rapists and bombs
Sofia Kioroglou is a twice award-winning poet, author of two poetry books, flash fiction writer of ” Cubicle Coma” published by Books’ Journal & Planodion and prolific blogger from Greece. Her poems are included in many anthologies, including the Poetry Against Terror Anthology, the Poetry Against Inequality, Poetry for Refugees, By Land and By Seas among others, and a number of literary journals that include Verse-Virtual, The Blue Nib, The Galway Review, Lunaris Review, Writink Page, Silver Birch Press, Halkyon Days, Ashvamegh, Fractal.gr, and Winamop, Bonsaistories, I am Not a silent Poet to name but a few. She has work forthcoming for Poetic Diversity, Winamop and a new anthology project. She is a member of the Poets Unite Worldwide.To learn more about her, visit her blog at sofiakioroglou.wordpress.com