Why Don’t You Wish Alice a Happy Birthday? by KellyCreighton


Why Don’t You Wish Alice a Happy Birthday?

by KellyCreighton


You didn’t have a Facebook page until you died:
your timeline says you were born after your death –
like some superhuman-saviour-reincarnation.
Facebook ask people to get in touch with you;
Write on her wall. Recommend a friend for Alice,
it says. But people pause; they don’t know whether
you get broadband in heaven or not. It would have
to be broadband or better…right? They post the
odd message anyhow, about a really bright star on the
drive to a concert – you would’ve danced like a maniac,
Alice. Do you remember the time we couldn’t stop
giggling in class? Only the good die young. Like you;
who only made teensy mistakes: you were human.
Facebook send your administrators requests to play
Candy Rush: your admins get pissed off ‘cos you died
before Candy Rush became a thing. You probably would’ve
liked it. A lot. Alice, you wouldn’t like half of the people
who write on your wall now. They’re all on your friends list.
Now. You would block them if you knew the password.


Kelly’s work is currently and forthcoming in literary journals The Stinging Fly, Long Story Short, Wordlegs and Ink Sweat & Tears.
She is writing her second novel; was awarded second place in the Abroad Writers’ Conference Competition judged by Pulitzer Prize winner Robert Olen Butler, and long listed for The RTE Guide/Penguin Ireland short story contest.