Huffy by Jim Landwehr


by Jim Landwehr

beneath these wheels of my three speed Huffy
summit avenue races by – a road taking me
and my brothers past the mansions of attorneys
brokers and bankers – we are not impressed by
their wealth and stature – because we are going
fishing while they build their empires on
scotch and mutual funds – we aim to build ours
on peanut butter sandwiches and fat carp down
at the mighty miss – school’s out for summer
and fall is a distant dream that is lost in the
bottom drawer of my tackle box swinging
precariously from the handlebar of my
three speed Huffy.


Jim Landwehr’s poetry collection, Written Life, was released in March of 2015. His first book, Dirty Shirt: A Boundary Waters Memoir was published in 2014. He has non-fiction stories published in Main Street Rag, Prairie Rose Publications, Boundary Waters Journal, Forge Journal, MidWest Outdoors Magazine and others. His poetry has been featured in Torrid Literature Journal, Wisconsin People and Ideas Magazine, Off the Coast Poetry Journal, and many others. He enjoys fishing, kayaking, biking and camping with his kids in the remote regions of Minnesota. Jim lives and works in Waukesha, Wisconsin with his wife Donna, and their two children.