Kingdom of heaven by Tsiviltidou Zoi

Kingdom of heaven
by Tsiviltidou Zoi
To make babies
To crawl home to
Across all seas, all ships
Across the wisdom of the heart
To sacrifice to learn
To feel compassion, to get scared
Associatively coherent
To get the inventor’s thrill
Curious why the light has hid
Inside the womb
To feel incompetent
Accountable, fulfilled
Intuitively wise
Across the kingdom of heaven
To bare pain indefinitely
As kids grow and go
To make babies
To crawl home to
Tsiviltidou Zoi is currently a full-time English language teacher and a part-time PhD student in Museum Education (University of Leicester). She holds an MA in Cultural Management (University of Arts of Belgrade & University Lyon II) and a BA in English Language and Literature (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki). She is an avid reader and coast camper; she’s stubborn, caring and fun to have around. In a way. Scientifically, still unconfirmed.