Las Estaciones by Nanette L. Avery

Las Estaciones

by Nanette L. Avery

The wind, the sky, the light weaves in and out
Las estaciones del a’o, they speak to all
Faithfully returning like an evening porch light

Her crocus petals showing off new skirts of lavanda
Budding twigs sing out estamos aqu
Spring when the heart is awakened

A sultry wind wavers without a care for time
Languid afternoons become steamy nights
Summer when el coraz’n is aroused

His dead leaves crumble into orange flakes
As winds whittle vacant patches in canopies
Autumn when the heart strikes oro

Blanco, a cold and pale evening’s crossing
Snow descends like a cloudy hoard
Winter when the heart seeks amor

Nanette L. Avery grew up on St. Thomas, Virgin Islands; a small island in the Lesser Antilles. She is the author of a number of books including Sixty Jars in a Pioneer Town and My Mother’s Tattoo And Other Stories For Kids. Her poetry and literary works can be found in publications such as Americana Magazine of Popular Culture, Digital Americana, Riverlit, Florida English Journal, Middle Ground, Broken Circles, and more.