Letter I by B. L. Goss

B. L. Goss

Letter I

by B. L. Goss

Last I checked there were no saints in this
shabby hole of a beachtown hideout
just us, only us
trying our damndest to get
somewhere like heaven
and slipping into the
temporary bliss of
in stead.

Breathe deep, those stars are calling.
I believe they’re coming closer
and maybe we don’t have to climb so far
after all maybe
love is in the inhale, not the exhale
holding that breath is the answer
the sky will come to you.

What lovely thoughts
we have together, silently
from far away.
yesterday, for example,
I could hear you thinking
from across the world.
your thought was a sigh
and I sighed back,
do you remember?

I’m still trying to get there.

B. L. Goss’s work has been published in The Laurentian Literary Review and is forthcoming in both Grasslimb Journal and The Bellingham Review. She is also a regular contributor to eHow.com through her job at Demand Studios. Goss earned her Bachelor’s degree in English and Anthropology from St. Lawrence University, and will be attending the M.F.A. program in Creative Writing at Colorado State in August, 2010. More of her writing can be found on her website.