Something She Feels by Marissa Dubecky

Pale mountains in the examining room
Scoops of ice cream from the A & P
Cold and hard peaks, like your utensils

Something She Feels

by Marissa Dubecky


Pale mountains in the examining room
Scoops of ice cream from the A & P
Cold and hard peaks, like your utensils
Soft but treated roughly.

It’s just part of the practice
The way we get answers
The way we get what we want
The way the machines are wired
The way he is wired.

There is nothing here that anyone would yearn for
Just a body being tested
Being tugged and told
If you relax you won’t feel it
It won’t hurt if you just relax

Fluorescent lights ruin any romance
There are no gentle curves
No secrets or subtleties
The goal is too clear
And the Latex between us to keep both of us clean
Both of us separate

It’s all that we will know.


Marissa Dubecky is a recent college graduate from the University of Connecticut with a degree in English Literature and Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies. She has been pursuing creative writing for many years, and this is her first publication. To read more of her writing, visit

Author: Every Writer

This is about me

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