Boxes by S Wallace



by S Wallace

She lives her life
In boxes
Inaccessible compartments
Withholding from herself
Old experiences
New ventures
Boxed up
Boxes shrink her world
She does not have the will
To unpack
To divest
To invest
She stares at the boxes
Afraid to look within
Afraid of what she may find
The boxes fill
As she empties


S Wallace is a member of Space Coast Writers’ Guild (SCWG), The Space Coast Fiction Writers Critique Group (SCFW), and the Cocoa Beach Writer’s Workshop. She participated in the development and presentation of the 2015 SCWG Book in a Day collaborative writing conference, which culminated in a book entitled Love and Rockets: SCWG’s 2015 Book in a Day Anthology. S Wallace serves on the board of SCWG. She has had poetry and fiction published in a variety of on line publications and print anthologies. When Daylight Ends, her first poetry book, was published in 2005.