Incognito by Marjorie Sadin



by Marjorie Sadin

It’s freezing here. After I do the wash,
I want to smoke a cigarette. But I don’t
smoke anymore.

I check books out of the library.
And don’t read them. I subscribe to Time magazine
and use the articles to light the fire.

I lost 40 pounds, date online.

I am shopping
for your profile.

When you find me,
I will make you cry.


Marjorie Sadin was born May 9, 1954, Mother’s Day. She has published many poems nationally including in The Barefoot Review, Emerge Literary Journal, The Little Magazine, Microw, Hamby Stern Publishing, Intima, and the Jewish Women’s Literary Annual. She has four books of poetry in print. Marjorie currently lives in the Washington DC area and she reads her poems locally. She works for the Library of Congress.