Have You Seen My Gray Today? by Shari Jo LeKane-Yentumi


Have You Seen My Gray Today?

by Shari Jo LeKane-Yentumi

Have you seen my gray today?
The melding of darkness and light;
an absence of color at play.

A cameo profile for pay
with stark shades from shadow to bright.
Have you seen my gray today?

Do I know if in daylight I stray?
Or if blindly I melt in the night?
An absence of color at play.

The stupor from nocturnal fray
concussed like a nightmarish bite.
Have you seen my gray today?

Imagine an infinite ray
piercing blackness with one point in sight;
an absence of color at play.

My ship will be sailing away
on horizons that fog and unite.
Have you seen my gray today?
An absence of color at play.

Shari Jo LeKane-Yentumi lives in St. Louis, Missouri, where she writes poetry, prose and articles; specializes in literary criticism and non-profit matters. She has a B.A. in English, Spanish, and an M.A. in Spanish from Saint Louis University in Madrid and St. Louis. Since brain surgery, she volunteer teaches creative writing in a maximum security jail and works for civil rights attorneys. She completed a novel in verse, Poem to Follow, and is featured in several poetry anthologies, including the Missouri VSA 2013 Anthology, Turning the Clocks Forward Again; Poetica Victorian; Red Dashboard Disorder Anthology: Mental Illness and Its Effects; The Muse India/Createspace Anthology Of Present Day Best Poems; Bordertown Press Poetry of People on the Move; and Literature Today International Journal of Contemporary Literature. Shari’s poetry has appeared in several literary magazines in the U.S., Canada, England, India, Ireland and Spain.