Frost’s Roads by Jordi Valls i Pozo

Frost’s Roads

In each shoe is a new path that marks
and transforms you. The only certainty is error.

From here on, the winding trail begins,
of what you will do, what you could. And still

on the crossroads, between two possibles,
searching for a kernel of truth, you take a path.

You feel the fresh grass under one foot.
Without shoes, you cross limits.

Els Camins de Frost

A cada sabata hi ha un camí nou que et marca
i esdevens l’encertat equívoc de ser tu.

A partir d’aquí comença la giragonsa,
la que faràs, la que podries fer. I quiet

a la cruïlla, pels dos senders possibles,
buscant el nucli de l’autenticitat, prens

camí; només sents als peus l’herba fresca d’un,
l’altre, no pots. Sense sabates, creues límits.

Jordi Valls i Pozo (born in Barcelona, January 25, 1970) is a Catalan poet. He has lived in Santa Coloma de Gramenet, a city that strongly impressed his poetic trajectory, for the majority of his life. Jordi Valls presided over The Associació de Joves Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (Association of Young Catalan Language Writers) from 1994 to 1996, and is a member of The Associació d’Escriptors en Llengua Catalana (AELC) and The PEN Club Català (Catalan PEN Club).
Having won The Jocs Florals de la Llengua Catalana in 2006, he is the first author to hold the office of Poet of The City. He currently works as a book seller in the city centre. Ernest Farrés, author of the anthology, 21 poetes del XXI (2001), states that “In the hands of Jordi Valls poetry is not only subversion but it is most of all the essence of the literary fact”.