Welcome to Every Writer’s Free Classifieds page: Free Classifieds for writers. Feel free to post ONE (1) ad per topic here for free. Do not repeat the same ad in each category! The ad must fit our categories. Do not post paid links! Ads that have paid links or that are not related to writing or the categories will be deleted!
A couple tricks about this site before you get started. You can subscribe or even embed these AD feeds on your site if you like. The more wide spread the better. You do have to scroll all the way to the bottom of each post of classifieds before you can post your classified. We are encouraging you to READ other people’s classifieds. I you are here just to post and run, please think about the others here a little. These Free Classifieds for writers have been on the web for over 10 years now. Thank you.
We keep these classifieds free to support the community of writers and editors on the web. Please consider donating to our site.
Writing contests are one of those things that have saved many writers. I know many who have said they were right on the edge of quitting when they won a contest. Either way, they are an important part of the writing world. Post your Writing Contests.
When you are looking to publish your work, there is nothing better than seeing a call for submissions. These are also the heart of the literary magazine world. If you want to fill your inbox quickly, post your call for submissions
A good workshop can be worth it’s weight in published work. It’s the direction we are hoping for, the criticism we need. Every writer needs you to Post your workshop.
You’ve published your book, now it’s time to promote it. You can’t just sit back and have your books fly off the shelves anymore. You have to post your Book Promotion (this goes to our Small Press and Self-published books site).
Need extra money? As a working writing you always do. If you have a service that you can promote, don’t wait to make that extra cash, Post your service
The heart and soul of the literary world, we all know are literary magazine. New and old, these magazines are worth submitting your work to, AND reading. Find a literary magazine or post one.
For almost 20 years we’ve been listing book publishers. If you haven’t taken the plunge and started looking to publish that novel, don’t leave it in the drawer, find or post a book publisher.
There is a war between those who love and those who hate these writing programs. Many Pulitzer Prize winners have them, and they seem essential for poets. You decide, and Post or Find an MFA Creative Writing Program.

At one time our free classifieds for writers page was a big deal for authors. Just a short time before we put this page on the web, Newspapers were still making the bulk of their profits from classified ads. No social media, large listing sites and other online outlets have all but dried up the online classifieds for profits pages. I’m happy we’ve always made these classifieds free and for writers. If you have any questions, or would like to place paid ads on any of our pages, please email us at eds [at] everywritersresource.com